Sugar glider safe cages and habitats
- A sugar glider's cage should be as big as you can manage, but no smaller than 24x24x36 inches or 12 cubic feet for two gliders. If you plan on having more than a pair of sugar gliders in a cage, add 6 cubic feet per glider to ensure proper cage size.
- Cages should be made of materials that do not absorb urine and odors. Metals tend to be best cage materials.
- Avoid wood cages. Sugar gliders will chew wood, it absorbs odors, and treating the wood can be hazardous. If you insist on a wood cage, be sure it is non-toxic variety and is treated with non-toxic materials.
- The wire bars of the cage should be no more than 1/2 inch apart. Be sure to check all wall connections, bottom tray, and doors for spacing larger that 1/2 inch. Sugar gliders can escape spacing larger than 1/2 inch.
- Many keepers prefer that the bars be vertical as opposed to horizontal, but sugar gliders do well with either design. 1/2 by 1 inch rectangle cages tend to be a favorite among many keepers.
- Wire should be coated to prevent rusting and make cleaning easier. The safest cages contain powder or enamel coated wire. PVC coated wire was used and deemed safe for many years, but an imported batch contained toxins that cost many sugar gliders' their lives. Only use PVC coated wire from verified domestic sources.
- Avoid using galvanized wire. It is difficult to clean, rusts quickly, and has been linked to health issues due to the zinc oxide coating.
- Do not use metal screen for your cage, their nails will get caught in it.
Last modified: July 24 2018